Next Friday..August 14…is the BIG DAY. MELROSE GOLF OPEN….tee time changed to HIGH NOON. Entry fee for team of 4 now $250…mail to Betterment, 701 Erin Ave, Melrose, Ia 52569
Melrose Golf Open Update: REMINDER…Betterment needs team entry fees this week…or before July 31–$200 per team of 4 ($250 if paid Aug 1 or after)…..Norwalk NEEDS TO KNOW NUMBER OF TEAMS in the Open BY END OF THIS MONTH so [...]
MELROSE GOLF OPEN~Friday~Aug. 16, 2013
MELROSE OPEN GOLF TOURNEY—Fri-August 16, 2013 Irish eyes are smiling in anticipation of the annual Melrose Open Golf tournament at the Norwalk Golf & Country Club to be held Friday, August 16. Proceeds from the Golf Open go to [...]
Star Spangled Shamrock 5 K Run-Walk-Bike event @ Melrose-July 6~~~~
STAR SPANGLED SHAMROCK 5 K RUN WALK*RUN*BIKE* Sponsored By Melrose St. Patrick’s Altar & Rosary. WHERE: MELROSE-Iowa’s Little Ireland~~ an new event held this year at the Fire Dept’s Annual July Celebration~!! WHEN : July 6th- Sign up 8:30 or Call 932-8066– [...]
Veterans Memorial Additions~~
A new roof is being installed over the Veteran Memorial on Melrose Mainstreet…and landscaping is being done also. Check out the Photo section of this web stie to see ‘During’ pictures & will post Finished pictures when it is completed. [...]
MARK your CALENDARS…the Melrose Volunteer Fire Department has set the date for this year’s annual July celebration to be SATURDAY–JULY 6~~~more details soon~~please spread the word…God Bless
St. Paddy’s Day Week End–filled with Blessings~~~
Re-Cap of a FUNtastic St. Patrick’s Day week end for Melrose- Iowa’s Little Ireland…. **MELROSE WINS FIRST PLACE–BEST OVER ALL in Des Moines St. Patrick’s Day Parade out of 124 fabulous entries **Twas a GRAND PARTY–DANCE on Melrose Mainstreet last evening…great [...]
DRUM ROLL—MELROSE WON “BEST IN PARADE TODAY” at the St. Patrick’s PARADE IN DES MOINES….CONGRATULATIONS to Iowa’s Little Ireland & Chief Leprechaun Leo Ward….WAY TO GO…the Luck of the Irish stays with Melrose again as they bring ANOTHER TROPHY home….what a [...]
Happy St. Patrick’s Day-Night-Week end to ALL~~~
Tis a busy week end for the Irish…here’s the agenda~~ ~~St. Patrick’s Day Parade–high noon-Des Moines~Melrose Irish & friends will march on with Melrose Pride ~led by #1 Leprechaun LEO WARD ~~St. Patrick’s Dance at the grand Melrose Hall on [...]