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COUNT DOWN–to Melrose Open Golf Tourney~~!!

Reminder:    TEAM ENTRY FEE for Melrose Golf Open is $200 and DUE THIS WEEK…BEFORE JULY 31st. AUGUST lst team entry fees will go to $250….no exceptions.  Betterment HAS to get pre paid entry fees because it is TOO STRESSFUL to [...]

Melrose GOLF OPEN-Fri. Aug. 17-Norwalk

                      MELROSE OPEN GOLF TOURNEY—Fri-August 17 Irish eyes are smiling in anticipation of the ninth annual Melrose Open Golf tournament at the Norwalk Golf & Country Club to be held Friday, August 17.  Proceeds from the Golf Open go to [...]

Melrose Annual Celebration~ FUNtastic~~~

Mega THANKS to the Melrose Vol Fire Dept & ALL the area volunteers & attendees that helped make this year’s annual Melrose Celebration a HUGE success~! Great parade, great water fights, great volley ball tourney, fun frog races, successful auction [...]


HEAR YEEE….HEAR YEEE~~!!   The Leprechauns remind you all –THE FROGS ARE READY & WAITING FOR THE BIG DAY SATURDAY…and are HOPING they are chosen to race on Melrose Mainstreet.  They’ve been training under the talent of  local Leprechauns…and hope to [...]