
COUNT DOWN–to Melrose Open Golf Tourney~~!!

Reminder:    TEAM ENTRY FEE for Melrose Golf Open is $200 and DUE THIS WEEK…BEFORE JULY 31st.

AUGUST lst team entry fees will go to $250….no exceptions. 

Betterment HAS to get pre paid entry fees because it is TOO STRESSFUL to try & get payment the day of tourney. If just 5 teams pay that day–that’s 20 people “SENIOR” volunteers have to collect from & record & keep track of & just don’t need that stress–with all that’s going on. Also, Betterment needs the money in bank before day of tourney so can write out checks for the thousands Golf Course charges, get some prizes, have change etc. Plus, can’t risk losing Betterment funds if there’s a rain out.    MEGA THANKS for your understanding & for supporting Melrose community projects.

 We have to notify Norwalk  by July 31 as to the number of teams we have signed up so they can to obtain-reserve Golf Carts.   

Hope to get YOUR team entry fee THIS WEEK if you plan to join the Irish in a GALA day of Golf & Blarney. Please help SREAD THE WORD to anyone & everyone you think might want to golf this year.

Checks to be made out & mailed to:

Melrose Bettement–701 Erin Ave–Melrose, Ia 52569 

God Bless,

Melrose Betterment

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