Melrose Golf Open Update: REMINDER…Betterment needs team entry fees this week…or before July 31–$200 per team of 4 ($250 if paid Aug 1 or after)…..Norwalk NEEDS TO KNOW NUMBER OF TEAMS in the Open BY END OF THIS MONTH so they can reserve & obtain GOLF CARTS. Please help spread the word. Entries are coming in SLOW and we need to know in next ten days if we have plenty of teams to hold the Open. (If not, we’ll refund money already in). LET’s GET THIS WRAPPED UP & PREPARE FOR ANOTHER GREAT MELROSE IRISH GOLF OPEN. Also, we need Golfers email addresses….please email addresses to
THANKS one & all…and special THANKS to those who have contacted us already…and may the luck of the Irish be with all who are ready this…God Bless