Hearty Congratulations to our Melrose Vol. Fire Dept. for obtaining a $76,000 Grant for a new fully equipped 4 wheel drive truck designed especially to fight brush fires. Fire Chief Pat Rush was instrumental in seeking this grant & reports it will take about 6 months for the truck to be built, equipped & delivered to Melrose. Hope to post pictures when it arrives. A hundred million THANKS to our Melrose Vol. Fire Dept. for ALL YOU DO !!!
I’m the niece of Patrick Riordan and the daughter of Steve Riordan. I’m married to Ed Rush from Crown Point, Indiana. We will be in Melrose July 21st, on our way to his high school graduation. The last time I was in Melrose was for Uncle Pat’s funeral. I don’t know if anyone will see this message, since the pages haven’t been updated in 2 years, but please reply if you do.
Not Ed’s high school graduation!!!! His 50th high school reunion!!!