Next Friday..August 14…is the BIG DAY. MELROSE GOLF OPEN….tee time changed to HIGH NOON. Entry fee for team of 4 now $250…mail to Betterment, 701 Erin Ave, Melrose, Ia 52569
Melrose Golf Open Update: REMINDER…Betterment needs team entry fees this week…or before July 31–$200 per team of 4 ($250 if paid Aug 1 or after)…..Norwalk NEEDS TO KNOW NUMBER OF TEAMS in the Open BY END OF THIS MONTH so they can reserve & obtain GOLF CARTS. Please help spread the word. Entries are coming in SLOW and we need to know in next ten days if we have plenty of teams to hold the Open. (If not, we’ll refund money already in). LET’s GET THIS WRAPPED UP & PREPARE FOR ANOTHER GREAT MELROSE IRISH GOLF OPEN. Also, we need Golfers email addresses….please email addresses to
THANKS one & all…and special THANKS to those who have contacted us already…and may the luck of the Irish be with all who are ready this…God Bless
MELROSE GOLF OPEN~Friday~Aug. 16, 2013
Irish eyes are smiling in anticipation of the annual Melrose Open Golf tournament at the Norwalk Golf & Country Club to be held Friday, August 16.
Proceeds from the Golf Open go to Melrose Community Betterment projects. The Melrose Green Hat Society usually attends and helps with raising dollars for the Irish.
Entry fee for the 4 member teams is $200 and are due by July 31st. Late entry fee will be $250 if paid after July 31st.
Sponsorships are $100 and donations are also being recruited. Sponsors names will be posted on signs on the golf course the day of the tourney, will be published in a thank you ad in the Albia and Chariton newspapers after the tourney and will be posted on the Melrose web site
Tee time for the Melrose Open is 11.30 a.m shotgun start. An Awards Ceremony will begin about 5pm in the clubhouse.
Coveted green blazers will be the grand prize and will be presented to the winners by the Green Blazer Winners Club.
Melrose heartily welcomes all golfers and non-golfers Irish and non-Irish who appreciate Melrose to this gala event. A full gallery of fans is usually present throughout the day and evening and readily joins in the spinning of Blarney.
Checks for entry fees, sponsorships, and donations are to be made out to Melrose Betterment-Golf Open and mailed to Melrose Betterment, 701 Erin Ave, Melrose, Ia
In case of a rain out, a card tourney and social will be held as we cannot refund or reschedule the golf course.
The Melrose Open Golf Tournament tis a gala event for Melrose and a grand day for the Irish and their friends as folks remind one another of the wise proclamation “If you’re lucky enough to be Irish, you’re lucky enough!” Check the Melrose web site often to follow the team entries and updates regarding the golf tourney.
Star Spangled Shamrock 5 K Run-Walk-Bike event @ Melrose-July 6~~~~
STAR SPANGLED SHAMROCK 5 K RUN WALK*RUN*BIKE* Sponsored By Melrose St. Patrick’s Altar & Rosary. WHERE: MELROSE-Iowa’s Little Ireland~~ an new event held this year at the Fire Dept’s Annual July Celebration~!! WHEN : July 6th- Sign up 8:30 or Call 932-8066– RACE starts at the ST. PATRICK’S parking lot. All proceeds go towards funding Melrose VOLUNTEER & RESCUE DEPARTMENT!! ALL ARE WELCOME…join in on the fun & bring some friends~!!
Veterans Memorial Additions~~
A new roof is being installed over the Veteran Memorial on Melrose Mainstreet…and landscaping is being done also. Check out the Photo section of this web stie to see ‘During’ pictures & will post Finished pictures when it is completed. Please THANK JOHN CARMODY for his leadership in this worthy project~!!!
MARK your CALENDARS…the Melrose Volunteer Fire Department has set the date for this year’s annual July celebration to be SATURDAY–JULY 6~~~more details soon~~please spread the word…God Bless
St. Paddy’s Day Week End–filled with Blessings~~~
Re-Cap of a FUNtastic St. Patrick’s Day week end for Melrose- Iowa’s Little Ireland….
**MELROSE WINS FIRST PLACE–BEST OVER ALL in Des Moines St. Patrick’s Day Parade out of 124 fabulous entries
**Twas a GRAND PARTY–DANCE on Melrose Mainstreet last evening…great crowd–lots of dancing & Blarney spinned
**And twas an awesome breakfast served after Mass @ St. Patrick’s church on the hill….GREEN EGGS & HAM, SAUSAGE & GRAVY, ROLLS, GREEN ICE CREAM PUNCH and MORE…big crowd adorned in lots of green…
Let us give THANKS for such wonderful traditions with wonderful friends…
DRUM ROLL—MELROSE WON “BEST IN PARADE TODAY” at the St. Patrick’s PARADE IN DES MOINES….CONGRATULATIONS to Iowa’s Little Ireland & Chief Leprechaun Leo Ward….WAY TO GO…the Luck of the Irish stays with Melrose again as they bring ANOTHER TROPHY home….what a grand history & track record of REPEAT WINS…!!!!!
Happy St. Patrick’s Day-Night-Week end to ALL~~~
Tis a busy week end for the Irish…here’s the agenda~~
~~St. Patrick’s Day Parade–high noon-Des Moines~Melrose Irish & friends will march on with Melrose Pride ~led by #1 Leprechaun LEO WARD
~~St. Patrick’s Dance at the grand Melrose Hall on Melrose Main street–8pm-12pm-doors open at 7pm-Paul Hatfield Band-proceeds will go for Hall kitchen improvements–tis a family celebration with kids welcome—PARTY ON~~
~~Sunday-Mass on the Irish hill @ St. Patrick’s Church-followed by a delicious breakfast served in the social hall
~~ God Bless