The ninth annual Melrose Open Golf tournament was a grand success. The weather was perfect for a day of golfing on the green rolling hills of the Countryside Golf Club in Norwalk –that some say remind them of Ireland.
One hundred plus golfers participated and non-golfers joined in on the fun of sharing Blarney with the Irish.
We had REPEAT winners this year. CONGATULATIONS go to Kevin & Travis Zaputil, George Wilson, D.Stewart-winners of the 2012 Melrose Open.
Profits go to Melrose Betterment for worthy community projects-particularly the Mainstreet Bank Building renovation. We are proud to announce a BRAND NEW ROOF was installed this very week-& more work is scheduled for this fall & winter. We’ll post pictures as project continues.
The money raised from this years Melrose Open will be posted when it’s completed and we’re excited that projected profits are looking very IRISH GREEN.
It was a successful and fun day indeed and plans are now underway for next year’s TENTH Annual Melrose Open Golf Tournament which will be held the last Friday of the Iowa State Fair each year. We are looking for YOUR ideas as to how to make this tenth year anniversary SPECIAL? Please let us know your suggestions & ideas.
We will be posting pictures of this year’s Melrose Open on this web site “Photo” section later this week.
Melrose Betterment wishes to sincerely thank each and everyone who supported, contributed to and attended the Fifth Annual Melrose Golf Open and made it a huge success.